Sunday, January 25, 2015

All The Single Ladies

Welcome back!

Ladies, this post is for you. I have been learning a lot in these last few years about what it means to be single. If I am honest and transparent with you, it has been a long and frankly bad process.  At 26, there were more often or not days I have felt like a failure because I didn’t have my life together. In the last five years I am ashamed to admit that I had felt like a failure enough to not thrive.

Obviously, I was physically here, and in these last five years, I have developed amazing friendships and have made memories that I hope to never forget. However, in the last couple days I thought, what would happen if I had really been 100% devoted to living rather than just getting by? For the past year, I gave up myself. I surrendered to God the one thing that was holding me back from truly living, and that was my pride. Pride kept me from enjoying everyday, and in that I learned some incredible lessons. I made a list of what I learned the other day, and I would like to share that with you now.

1.  No, you don’t have to be 21 and married. This was a tough one for me. If you remember in one of my first posts on here, I wrote about how I thought something was wrong with me because I wasn't married or in a relationship. My thought process was very toxic. But you know what I have learned since that post? It doesn't matter if you are married by a certain age, because if it’s the right guy, it doesn't matter if you are 18 or 48; what matters is where your heart is. If it is not central to Christ, then you have no place taking one of His children down the aisle and making a half-hearted covenant with him. No matter how much you THINK you love that man. Right now, all I can do is love Jesus with my whole heart. If a guy decides to come along with the same mindset, then that is awesome. If not, I am still able to be effective to the Kingdom.

2. Yes you can live on your own. This really can happen. As I am preparing to finish up school in the next year, I can tell you looking for home/apartments can be scary. Its honestly terrifying going out on your own and thinking that when you move into that place that your dream husband won’t be there. In fact, when I was first started to look, I thought I was getting panic attacks because of the thought of becoming a crazy cat lady or something. But, there is a slight freedom that comes from living on your own, and one day you will enjoy the peace that comes from getting to watch whatever you want on television, listen to whatever music, and not having to worry about picking up after people. Now, when I look for places, I get excited.

3.  You should absolutely live your life while “waiting”.  No great love story started with a woman who was to herself in the sense that she wasn't really living life. The only thing close I have read like that was about a vampire and a human, and that is the most ridiculous story I have ever read (and unfortunately liked for many years until I came to my senses). No, most times when I have talked to people about how they fell in love, the girl was living life to the point where the guy had to be in on the secret of her happiness. Now, this does not mean doing what you want to do in order to obtain a man, what I mean is you should be so wrapped up in living that when a guy comes along to sweep you off your feet that you think of it as the icing on the cake of life.  A man will not bring you happiness or fulfillment and it is selfish if you are getting into a relationship for that reason. It's not fair to him, and it isn't fair to you. Because if he disappoints you, who are you going to turn to?  That is a harsh truth, but I needed to hear it, and you might too.

It also means surrendering your life to Christ. Think of the verse in John 10:10, where Jesus says,  “ The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I have come so you can live life, and live it to the fullest.” Notice, the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. That means he will try and steal your thoughts, kill your joy and destroy your hope. Give your heart to Christ, and give it fully and you find that voice of lies getting smaller and smaller. I had to learn this. I let Satan take my joy daily because I believed his lies of that I would never be good enough for anyone. But one day I got sick of it. I was sick of the pain of not feeling like I had anyone who liked me because I wasn't “cool” enough.  I decided to stop being self-concerned and shy and put my heart on the line. I started opening myself up to people and the result was that I have developed incredible relationships. In fact one of those people had been trying for years to be my friend, but I was the one being stubborn about getting to know her, and I regret it! She has become one of my best friends.

4.  Yes, you can say no to a date, no matter how long you've been single.  I was talking with one of my best friends the other day about this. We were talking about past relationships and I mentioned that some people have asked me out on this campus, which immediately sent an array of questions. I didn't mind answering them, but it made me think.  I didn't want to date them, and for several of the guys that asked me, I didn't tell anyone that they had asked me. But what if I had told people that I had. Would they tell me that I should say yes? It’s just a date how bad could it be? Well, call me old fashioned, but I am not a serial dater. I never have been. I am not one of those people who will say yes to anyone. I have to like them. Like, like them like them. (Note the Lizzy McGuire reference here folks).  I think we have hit a mindset in society now where we have to date whomever only because we are single and we need to “live a little”.  I partially blame television series like Friends for that reason. But that's not living, that's just gambling. We need to make the right choices when it comes to dating. That means being choosy. And you should be picky girls! Trust your instincts! If you don’t want to date him, don’t. Don’t ever do the sympathy date. That is a waste of time on both of your parts. I am so glad I didn't date those guys. If I do get married, I want to be able to look at my husband and know that I didn't weed through a ton of jokers to get to the prize.

5. Your friends are not your boyfriend.  This was a hard pill for me to swallow. I had a tendency to be very clingy to my friends. This was especially true if the friend was a boy.  Not physically, but emotionally. I made them fill the void that I thought a boyfriend would. It wasn't until I took a step back when I realized the only person who could take away the void of loneliness was Christ. He is truly the only one who is going to take away the pain and anxiety of life.

With that said, I do believe that you can be friends with a guy. I do believe you can even be best friends with a guy. But what you need to do is give the entire relationship to God. DO NOT go into the friendship with the mindset that you could make him your boyfriend eventually. 9 out of 10 times that will lead to heartache. Trust me. Pray continuously for God to guard both of your hearts. Pray that Christ will be center in your friendship. Keep each other accountable. Do not put yourself in a situation where you can compromise your integrities. And most importantly, define your friendship with other often. This will help a lot. I can say this from experience girls, as one of my best friends is a guy. *Understand that being best friends with him has a price however, because one day he will get married, and its his wife that is his new best friend. That doesn't mean you can't be friends with him, but the relationship will shift. 

6. Finally, don’t be discouraged if you still aren't in a relationship. God is working on you. You don’t have to be perfect to be in a relationship, but you do have to trust that the God that made you has far better plans than what you could ever imagine. He hasn't left you this far; he won’t let you down now. Keep living your life girly.  You are awesome, and one day some guy will see that.

I am heading off now. But I hope that you learned something today. Mostly that you are worth far more than you think.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My word of 2015

Five years ago a dear friend of mine let me in on a tradition that she and her family do every year. That tradition is picking a word for the year to help guide them to complete goals and to grow in their relationship to God. I fell in love with the idea and so since she told be about this, I have done this challenge. last year my word was "more". I chose it because I wanted to do more than what I was doing before. I wanted to be more of a friend, more outgoing, and more of what God has called me to be. Because of that I have built incredible friendships, grown closer to God, and have had opportunities that I never would have had had I continued to keep to myself like I had in the past.  

As this New year approached I found myself dumbfounded as to what word I should do for 2015. As you remember in my last update, I was given many opportunities on campus to be a leader. One of those was traveling on the summer recruitment team. I had my whole summer planned out already. I even had my packing list ready and revised. However sometimes life doesn't work out the way you planned. In a whirlwind of events, which were no one persons particular fault, my summer plans were thwarted and I was removed from said team. It was one of those crazy circumstances where I did nothing wrong, but by a series of clerical errors, I was given a job that I shouldn't have had in the first place. It was devastating nonetheless.  It was a tough transition going back to not having summer plans or one of my dream jobs. I was left again wondering what I would do for the summer. Thoughts of the future kept creeping up and choking me. I was freaking out not knowing what I was going to do. God gently reminded me however that I don't need to know everything I am going to do, but that I need to trust Him. Through that reminder, I was given the idea for my word this year. That word is Trust.  

I need to trust in God's plan for me for the future whether that is ten minutes from now or ten years. I need to trust that He understands the desires of my heart and has a plan far better than my own. I need to trust in him being unfailing. But most of all, I need to trust in whatever God has in store for me is being made perfect, and that takes time. So I must be patient with that. Adding to the theme for the year, my friend decided she was going to add a symbol as well. So, for my symbol of the year, I chose an anchor. I picked that because just like how an anchor refuses to let a ship drift, God has given me anchors in my life to help keep me on my toes in relationship with Him. The verse that I chose is found in Psalms. It is in the ninth chapter and it says: 

                                        "Those who know your name trust in you,
                                        for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."
                                                                                                                         (Psalm 9:10 NIV, 1984)

The future is terrifying. That is especially true for myself as I like to have every detail planned out a head of time. But trust in the God who made you to not let you down. You may not see what the future holds, but you have a creator who does, and He will steer you in the right direction. You only have to let him. Allow me to encourage you in finding a word this year, or even a verse. Write it down, pin it somewhere where you will see it often. If you are using a symbol to help you remember it, make that symbol your background on your phone or computer so you are reminded. Memorize a verse to go with it. if you do decide to do a word/verse/ symbol for the year, I would love to hear about it. Comment down below.  

Until next time,
