Sunday, March 11, 2012

And Away We Go!

Hello friend!

I am so glad that you are on my site! So, I thought I would start my first post with a little story on why I decided to do this blog. This is not my first blog, but the other ones failed miserably. I am just not a writer, and if I got bored with the site, well it was gone. But this time its different.
I started going to college in August of 2011. At 23. yikes! When I graduated high school in 2006, I decided that a semester off before starting school was a good idea. I was wrong. That led me down a path of five years of feeling like an agonizing failure. I knew I was called to become a Children's Minister, and despite knowing that college was the best way to become that, I still made excuses not to go. It wasn't until I was at a camp with my youth group as a sponsor, where the speaker was talking about Children in Kenya and one child on a video that he showed changed my life.

The child's name was Kevin, and he said "Even though my house leaks, I'm hungry a lot, and that sometimes I don't have good days, I know that God loves me and that makes me happy." It may not seem like a lot, but Kevin opened my eyes to a burden in my heart that I had ignored for far too long. And that was that children need to hear about Jesus just as much as adults do. I knew from that point on there were no excuses. And luckily, I am blessed with an amazing big brother and sister in Christ, Justin and Bethany, and Christ, and they pushed me, in the best way possible, to better myself. I didn't think that I could possibly make it, and I made every excuse to not go. "I'm not smart enough." "I'm too shy." "I'm not the college type." but with the help of that pushing, Im here!

While I finally started college, I figured out that I am absolutely in love with my kitchen. I love to cook and bake, and I cook. a lot. And people would complement me, much to my surprise. I would experiment and also surprisingly, it turned out pretty decent.At the same time, I was on and they have tons of recipes, and often people "pin" things, and then wouldn't do them.In fact, it's kinda a joke in the pinning world. So I am changing that. Breaking the mold, if you would, and with discipline and some fun, this blog will be a success. Oh, and maybe I should mention this, but school is going great, and I am learning a whole lot, my shyness is still there, but breaking loose more and more each day. I hope that you enjoy this blog, and I will enjoy conducting some experiments in food and crafts and bringing you a fun, and informative site.

With faith, love, and food,


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